Quick view of weather on iPhone

To see weather information for the day or the next day, usually you will install weather forecast applications. If users want to quickly see the weather information in the current location, or any other location, you can immediately use Siri Shortcuts application.

Siri Shortcuts gathers many shortcuts with different functions, such as instant translation on the iPhone screen, disconnecting WiFi and Bluetooth on iPhone, or downloading YouTube videos on iPhone. In this article, users will learn more about fast weather information on iPhone.

Guide to quickly see the weather on iPhone

Step 1:

Users access the link below to set up shortcuts, press Get shortcut. When you click on the Siri Shortcuts application, you will see the Weather information shortcut. Click on the 3 horizontal dots icon.


Set shortcuts  Customize shortcuts

Step 2:

In the custom interface of the Get weather section shortcut you will see the application that requires the use of location location services.

Requires location  Activate positioning

Going back to the customizable interface, the shortcut will display 2 options Current position and Custom location. By default the shortcut will set the Current Location first. Click on the Play icon above to run the shortcut.

Loosen the weather at the current location  Run shortcut

Step 3:

After the operation shortcut is complete, it will display weather information for the current day and current location. We will see the highest and lowest temperatures, weather conditions, Wind power, Humidity, Rainfall if available.

Besides users will know more time of sunrise and sunset, UV Index. Especially with the Air Quality section there will be indicators as well as warnings when the air is not good for health.

Current weather  Detailed weather information

Step 4:

If users want to see weather information in other locations, access the customizable shortcut interface and click the Custom location section. Then enter the city name or location you want to search for weather information. Also click the Play button to run the shortcut.

Change track location  Enter the location

As a result, you will also receive weather information for the location entered. The weather shortcut works well not only for domestic locations, but users can also search for information with foreign locations.

Other location weather information  Information in other cities

With only Siri Shortcuts application, users can install a lot of shortcuts with different functions, such as viewing weather information in the article above. Although there is no reference chart, the shortcut provides basic and detailed day weather information.

Video how to quickly see the weather on iPhone

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I wish you all success!
