How to hide the folder name on the iPhone screen

Many people do not like their iPhone screens with too many applications and want to arrange it appropriately. And Apple has supported users by allowing users to create public folders, just keep and drag an application over another application to create an application folder right on the iPhone screen.

You can sort applications in the same category into one folder, then name the folder to distinguish those types of applications for convenience. But there are many people who don't like naming folders in the iPhone to be more messy on the home screen, and still, you can know what kind of applications the folder has just by looking at icons Application inside the folder.

There are several methods for creating directory names with spaces in older iOS versions, especially how you install some food-related applications like Starbucks and drag it into any application other. Then the folder will be displayed without a name, and you can save it that way. The trick does not currently work in newer iOS versions, but instead displays the generic names like "Travel", "Photos & Videos", "Utilities" ... If you want to Empty the directory name, please follow the instructions of IOSTips below.

How to hide folder names on iPhone

Step 1: On the main screen, press and hold the icon, until the icons with the x mark in the upper left corner and the icon will vibrate continuously. Click the folder you want to hide the name and delete the name that is currently displayed.

Hold the iPhone iconErase the name

Step 2: Copy the space between the [] in the command line below, and paste it into the folder name box. Then press the home key or press the power key then turn it on again. You will see your folder no longer has a name, try to imagine ten such folders, your screen will be much nicer.

[⠀] - U+2800

Write a blank name in the directoryThe folder has hidden the name

And even if you restart the computer, the folder name stays the same, even if you update to a newer version of iOS. The only way to get your folder back is to re-enter the name, or restore the older iOS version.

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